Bibliographie - Enjeux de conservation

Andrén H., Linnell J.D.C., Liberg O., Andersen R., Danell A., Karlsson J., Odden J., Moa P.F., Ahlqvist P., Kvam T., Franzén R. & Segerström P. 2006. Survival rates and causes of mortality in Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) in multi-use landscapes. Biological Conservation 131 (1): 23–32.
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Arlettaz R., Chapron G., Kéry M., Klaus E., Mettaz S., Roder S., Vignali S., Zimmermann F. & Braunisch V. 2020. Illegal hunting threatens the establishment of a lynx population and highlights the need of a centralized judiciary approach. bioRxiv.
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Boitani L., Alvarez F., Anders O., Andren H., Avanzinelli E., Balys V., Blanco J.C., Breitenmoser U., Chapron G., Ciucci P., Dutsov A., Groff C., Huber D., Ionescu O., Knauer F., Kojola I., Kubala J., Kutal M., Linnell J., Majic A., Mannil P., Manz R., Marucco F., Melovski D., Molinari A., Norberg H., Nowak S., Ozolins J., Palazon S., Potocnik H., Quenette P.-Y., Reinhardt I., Rigg R., Selva N., Sergiel A., Shkvyria M., Swenson J., Trajce A., Von Arx M., Wolfl M., Wotschikowsky U. & Zlatanova D. 2015. Key actions for Large Carnivore populations in Europe 120 p. pdf.
Bouyer Y., Gervasi V., Poncin P., Beudels-Jamar R.C., Odden J. & Linnell J.D.C. 2015. Tolerance to anthropogenic disturbance by a large carnivore: the case of Eurasian lynx in south-eastern Norway. Animal Conservation 18 (3): 271–278.
Breitenmoser-Würsten C. & Obexer-Ruff G. 2003. Population and conservation genetics of the two re-introduced lynx (Lynx lynx) populations in Switzerland - a molecular evaluation 30 years after translocation. Procedings of the 2nd Conference on Status and Conservation of the Alpine Lynx population. Environmental encounters 58: 28–31. pdf.
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Breitenmoser U., Bürki R., Lanz T., Pittet M., Von Arx M. & Breitenmoser-Würsten C. 2016. The recovery of wolf Canis lupus and lynx Lynx lynx in the Alps: Biological and ecological parameters and wildlife management systems. KORA Bericht 70: 276p. pdf.
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Bull J.K., Heurich M., Saveljev A.P., Schmidt K., Fickel J. & Förster D.W. 2016. The effect of reintroductions on the genetic variability in Eurasian lynx populations: the cases of Bohemian–Bavarian and Vosges–Palatinian populations. Conservation Genetics 17 (5): 1229–1234.
Červený J., Koubek P. & Bufka L. 2002.  Eurasian Lynx (Lynx Lynx) and its chance for survival in Central Europe: The case of the Czech RepublicActa Zoologica Lituanica 12 (4): 428–432.
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Chapron G., Kaczensky P., Linnell J.D.C., Von Arx M., Huber D., Andrén H., López-Bao J.V., Adamec M., Álvares F., Anders O., Balčiauskas L., Balys V., Bedő P., Bego F., Blanco J.C., Breitenmoser U., Brøseth H., Bufka L., Bunikyte R., Ciucci P., Dutsov A., Engleder T., Fuxjäger C., Groff C., Holmala K., Hoxha B., Iliopoulos Y., Ionescu O., Jeremić J., Jerina K., Kluth G., Knauer F., Kojola I., Kos I., Krofel M., Kubala J., Kunovac S., Kusak J., Kutal M., Liberg O., Majić A., Männil P., Manz R., Marboutin E., Marucco F., Melovski D., Mersini K., Mertzanis Y., Mysłajek R.W., Nowak S., Odden J., Ozolins J., Palomero G., Paunović M., Persson J., Potočnik H., Quenette P.-Y., Rauer G., Reinhardt I., Rigg R., Ryser A., Salvatori V., Skrbinšek T., Stojanov A., Swenson J.E., Szemethy L., Trajçe A., Tsingarska-Sedefcheva E., Váňa M., Veeroja R., Wabakken P., Wölfl M., Wölfl S., Zimmermann F., Zlatanova D. & Boitani L. 2014. Recovery of large carnivores in Europe’s modern human-dominated landscapes. Science 346 (6216): 1517–1519.
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Keçi E., Trajçe A., Mersini K., Bego F., Ivanov G., Melovski D., Stojanov A., Breitenmoser U., Von Arx M., Schwaderer G., Spangenberg A. & Linnell J.D.C. 2008. Conflicts between lynx, other large carnivores, and humans in Macedonia and Albania. Proceedings of the 3rd Congress of Ecologists of the Republic of Macedonia, 06-09.10.2007, Struga: 257–264. pdf.
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Kowalczyk R., Górny M. & Schmidt K. 2015. Edge effect and influence of economic growth on Eurasian lynx mortality in the Białowieża Primeval Forest, Poland. Mammal Research 60 (1): 3–8.
Kramer-Schadt S., Revilla E., Wiegand T. & Breitenmoser U. 2004. Fragmented landscapes, road mortality and patch connectivity: modelling influences on the dispersal of Eurasian lynx. Journal of Applied Ecology 41 (4): 711–723.
Krofel M., Kos I., Linnell J., Odden J. & Teurlings I. 2008. Human kleptoparasitism on Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx L.) in Slovenia and Norway. Varstvo Narave 21 (August 2015): 93–103. pdf.
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Lena A., Paul M., Duchamp C., Jean N., Hivert L., Delpont M. & Decors A. (in press). La mortalité des loups et lynx en France : analyse des causes et adaptation de la surveillance sanitaire. Faune Sauvage.
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Ratkiewicz M., Matosiuk M., Kowalczyk R., Konopiński M.K., Okarma H., Ozolins J., Männil P., Ornicans A. & Schmidt K. 2012. High levels of population differentiation in Eurasian lynx at the edge of the species’ western range in Europe revealed by mitochondrial DNA analyses. Animal Conservation 15 (6): 603–612.
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Ryser-Degiorgis M.-P., Breitenmoser-Würsten C., Marti I., Pisano S.R.R., Pewsner M., Breitenmoser U. & Kovacevic A. 2018. High prevalence of heart anomalies of suspected genetic origin in a reintroduced Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) population, Switzerland In:  p. 3–4. pdf.
Ryser-Degiorgis M.-P., Marti I., Pisano S., Wehrle M., Hofmann-Lehmann R., Breitenmoser U., Origgi F., Kübber-Heiss A., Knauer F. & Meli M. 2017. Suspected Feline Immunodeficiency Virus Infection In Eurasian Lynx During A Translocation Program - A Veterinary Challenge At The Interface Among Health Risks, Species Conservation, Animal Welfare And Politics. In: 66th WDA Annual International Conference. p. 27. pdf.
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