Bibliographie - Perceptions et acceptation

Bath A., Olszanska A. & Okarma H. 2008. From a human dimensions perspective, the unknown large carnivore: Public attitudes toward Eurasian lynx in Poland. Human Dimensions of Wildlife 13 (1): 31–46.
Benhammou F. 2007. Crier au loup pour avoir la peau de l’ours. Une géopolitique locale de l’environnement à travers la gestion et la conservation des grands prédateurs en France. Thèse. Institut des Sciences et Industries du Vivant et de l’Environnement, AgroParisTech. 665 p. pdf.
Benhammou F. & Dangléant C. 2009. Ours, lynx, loup : une protection contre nature ? Toulouse, Milan. 117 p.
Breitenmoser U., Ryser A., Molinari-Jobin A., Zimmermann F., Haller H., Molinari P. & Breitenmoser-Würsten C. 2010. The changing impact of predation as a source of conflict between hunters and reintroduced lynx in Switzerland, Biology and Conservation of Wild Felids.OUP Oxford. p. 493–506. pdf.
Campion-Vincent V. 1996. Le retour du Lynx. Anthropozoologica 23: 3–12. pdf.
Červený J., Krojerová-Prokešová J., Kušta T. & Koubek P. 2019. The change in the attitudes of Czech hunters towards Eurasian lynx: Is poaching restricting lynx population growth? Journal for Nature Conservation 47 (July 2018): 28–37.
Christen G., Mechin C. & Wintz M. 2016. Le lynx : perturbateur ou partenaire de l’équilibre sylvo-cynégétique? Regard sur les jeux d’acteurs qui s’approprient le retour du lynx dans la réserve de biosphère transfrontalière Vosges du Nord – Pfälzerwald. Ann. Sci. Rés. Bios. Trans. Vosges du Nord-Pfälzerwald 18: 60–88. pdf.
Ericsson G. & Heberlein T.A. 2003. Attitudes of hunters, locals, and the general public in Sweden now that the wolves are back. Biological Conservation 111 (2): 149–159.
Fasel M. 2003. Lynx and hunter – competitors forever? Environmental encounters 58: 79–82. pdf.
Ferreira-Koch D. 1998. Les éleveurs et les chasseurs des Vosges du Nord et leurs relations au Lynx (Lynx lynx). Image et place de l’animal dans notre société. Ann. Sci. Rés. Bios. Vosges du Nord 6 (1997/1998): 77–94. pdf.
Fräger C. & Schraml U. 2016. Die Akzeptanz des Luchses im Pfälzerwald - eine vergleichende Studie. (Public acceptance of the lynx in the Palatinate Forest - a comparative study. Schriftenreihe der Vereinigung der Wildbiologen und Jagdwissenschaftler Deutschlands 2: 331–334.
Heurich M., Schultze-Naumburg J., Piacenza N., Magg N., Červený J., Engleder T., Herdtfelder M., Sladova M. & Kramer-Schadt S. 2018. Illegal hunting as a major driver of the source-sink dynamics of a reintroduced lynx population in Central Europe. Biological Conservation 224: 355–365.
Hunziker M. 2003. The human dimension: Reasons for acceptance and resistance of lynxes and other predators in Switzerland. Environmental Encounters: 22–24. pdf.
Keçi E., Trajçe A., Mersini K., Bego F., Ivanov G., Melovski D., Stojanov A., Breitenmoser U., Von Arx M., Schwaderer G., Spangenberg A. & Linnell J.D.C. 2008. Conflicts between lynx, other large carnivores, and humans in Macedonia and Albania. Proceedings of the 3rd Congress of Ecologists of the Republic of Macedonia, 06-09.10.2007, Struga: 257–264. pdf.
Kleiven J., Bjerke T. & Kaltenborn B.P. 2004. Factors influencing the social acceptability of large carnivore behaviours. Biodiversity and Conservation 13 (9): 1647–1658.
Kvaalen I. 1998. Acceptance of lynx by sheep farmers - a sociological comparison, in Breitenmoser-Würsten C., Rohner C. & Breitenmoser U. (eds.)Council of Europe Publishing. p. 59–64.
Lescureux N. & Linnell J.D.C. 2010. Knowledge and perceptions of Macedonian hunters and herders: The influence of species specific ecology of bears, wolves, and lynx. Human Ecology 38 (3): 389–399.
Lescureux N., Linnell J.D.C., Mustafa S., Melovski D., Stojanov A., Ivanov G., Avukatov V., Von Arx M. & Breitenmoser U. 2011. Fear of the unknown: Local knowledge and perceptions of the eurasian lynx Lynx lynx in western Macedonia. Oryx 45 (4): 600–607.
Linnell J.D.C. 2013. From conflict to coexistence? Insights from multi- disciplinary research into the relationships between people, large carnivores and institutions. Lcie (February 2013): 1–56. pdf.
Lute M.L., Carter N.H., López-Bao J. V. & Linnell J.D.C. 2018. Conservation professionals agree on challenges to coexisting with large carnivores but not on solutions. Biological Conservation 218 (September 2017): 223–232.
Monrolin M. & Benhammou F. 2015. Améliorer la gestion du Lynx et de l’expansion du Loup en France : une géoprospective des grands prédateurs en Franche-Comté. Revue scientifique Bourgogne-Nature (21/22): 327–334. pdf.
Røskaft E., Händel B., Bjerke T. & Kaltenborn B.P. 2007. Human attitudes towards large carnivores in Norway. Wildlife Biology 13 (2): 172–185.[172:HATLCI]2.0.CO;2.
Smith D.J., O’Donoghue P., Convery I., Eagle A. & Piper S. 2016. Reintroduction of the Eurasian Lynx to the United Kingdom: Results of a Public Survey 30 p. pdf.
Van Heel B.F., Boerboom A.M., Fliervoet J.M., Lenders H.J.R. & Van den Born R.J.G. 2017. Analysing stakeholders’ perceptions of wolf, lynx and fox in a Dutch riverine area. Biodiversity and Conservation 26 (7): 1723–1743.
Vourc’h A. 1990. Représentation de l’animal et perceptions sociales de sa réintroduction. Le cas du lynx des Vosges. Revue d’Ecologie Suppl. 5: 175–187. pdf.
White C., Convery I., Eagle A., O’Donoghue P., Piper S., Rowcroft P., Smith D. & Van Maanen E. 2015. Cost-benefit analysis for the reintroduction of lynx to the UK: Main report. Application for the reintroduction of Lynx to the UK government 48 p. pdf.
White C., Almond M., Dalton A., Eves C., Fessey M., Heaver M., Hyatt E., Rowcroft P. & Waters J. 2016. The Economic Impact of Lynx in the Harz Mountains. Prepared for the Lynx UK Trust by AECOM. pdf.
Wilson C.J. 2004. Could we live with reintroduced large carnivores in the UK? Mammal Review 34 (3): 211–232.
Zeiler H., Zedrosser A. & Bath A. 1999. Attitudes of Austrian hunters and Vienna residents toward bear and lynx in Austria. Ursus 11: 193–200.


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